Dear friends, Can I use your email address to discuss with you? I really want to hear your reply to these questions:
How did the death of Jesus Christ buy back what Adam had lost? In a spiritual way or physical? If physically, why is not Adam alive? If spiritually, why is Jesus Christ still alive? And should these two sons of God remain dead physically? Did God, because of the origin sin of Adam, loose one or two or none of His sons? (See Acts 2:22-36; Romans 6:7)
Does the Almighty God really need a sacrifice to be in good relationship to man? If a little boy had been disobedient to his father, does his father in return need anything from his little boy? Should the boy kill himself or should he give his father some money or something else in order to cover up his disobedience? Opposite, should the father kill his own little boy or take something from him in order to cover up his disobedience? (See Isaiah 1:18; Acts 17:25; Compare Mark 9:43-48)
Would Adam and Eve ever be resurrected from the dead ones? If not, will their resurrected sons and daughters miss their parents in Gods New World? And what about the grandchildren? Will they miss their grandparents? Is it possible for those resurrected children “to keep paying a due compensation to their parents and grandparents” in the future for the reason that they are living because Adam and Eve had give birth and raised them? Is Jehovah God “satisfying the desire of every living thing” or just “not quite” every living thing? (Psalm 145:16; 1 Timothy 5:4; See Acts 24:15)
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